Both sizes are made in the USA and they are certified domestic wire ties.
Last week, my assistant accidentally ordered the wrong size double loop rebar ties for us from our supplier. We are in the middle of a huge job, and we are right in the middle of the concrete pour portion of the project. Somehow we ended up running out of the double loop rewired ties that we always use, and so I had my assistant order them for us right away. I even had him get them shipped the next day so that we could get them in time to keep us right on schedule. Well, then a lot of things went wrong. First of all, they could not ship them the next day. They had to wait two days to ship them and then it was the weekend and so now we are four days off schedule. That wasn’t their fault though.The bad thing that happened was that my assistant actually ordered the wrong size double loop rebar ties when he called. We needed 16 gauge double loop rebar ties and he ordered the 14 gauge double loop rebar ties. In his defense, they are the same kind of wire ties and they are also the same length. Both sizes are made in the USA and they are certified domestic wire ties. However, we only use the 16 gauge double loop rebar ties and that’s the only thing that we have ever used! I just don’t understand how my assistant ended up ordering the wrong size. By now, he should know that we only ever order the 16 gauge wire ties. I’m not trying to place blame on anyone, but I am pretty mad that we are four days off schedule now.