My construction crew has been working on this big job at an apartment complex for the past month and we are just now getting to the point where we are ready to start pouring some concrete.
We have been doing a ton of prep work around here, and we thought that we were never going to get to the point where we were actually going to get started on pouring the foundations and the pools! We have a ton of concrete work around here to do over the next month, and it has been really hard to get to this point.
It seems like we have been having one set back after another. Anyway, it’s finally time to get started on the concrete work, and we are trying to make sure that we are prepared for anything that might come up. Since we have so many different projects going on at this place at the same time, we decided that we were going to be prepared with all of the rebar wire ties that we might end up needing. We did not want to get stuck in the middle of a project and then find that we did not have the right size of rebar wire ties that we needed at the moment. That’s why we ended up ordering a whole bunch of different sizes of 16 gauge black annealed double loop wire ties. The 16 gauge black annealed double loop wire ties that we always use are sold by the bag. We ordered bags of 2500 in every length that was available.