If you are in the middle of a project the way that I am, then you might need some of the same things that I need for my project! We are building a huge apartment building complex and we are almost to the point where we need to start pouring the concrete footers.
If you have ever done any concrete work, then you know what a pain it can be sometimes! I wish that the concrete part of the job was easier and quicker, but it’s true that the foundation of the building is the most important part of it. If you don’t have a solid and firm foundation, then none of the rest of the building is ever going to hold up. I learned that the hard way back in the beginning of my career. Now it’s been almost 20 years and I’m really good at my job! One of the things that I always use in concrete jobs are these 18 gauge black annealed double loop wire ties that are certified domestic. If your project is like mine and it calls for American made 18 gauge bar wire, then these ties are exactly what you are looking for. You can purchase it in quantities of 5000 and in all kinds of lengths, from 10 inches all the way up to 24 inches and at every increment in between. These 18 gauge black annealed double loop wire ties are perfect for the heavy duty work that we need them to do with the rebar that we have to use for this project.